Types of Modifications
Microwave Generators:
MES has modified microwave generators
from power levels of 1 to 6 kilowatts. These
modifications typically consist of replacing the power
supply and magnetron tube to a more modernized and
economical version. The end result is higher efficiency
with minimal downtime thereby increasing the quantity
and quality of the product being processed by the
system. The economics of the modifications are fully
realized when individual components or magnetron tubes
become obsolete and no longer available. We have kept
systems well over 20 years of age in service and
performing exceptionally well by these methods. To find
out specific details about the individual modifications
click onto the links below.
Despatch M1A
microwave generator, 1 Kw output
Industries microwave generator, 1.5 Kw output
microwave generator, 6 Kw output
Cimdor high voltage power supply, 2.5 Kvdc output